With a long-running business, your technology may not be up to date with the latest software or systems. Perhaps you have desktops collecting dust in a storage room or laptops that no longer run as fast as they used to. You might be thinking that these outdated devices are just taking up space but they can actually be transformed into something useful. Google launched a new operating system called ChromeOS Flex which may help old devices “come to life” again.

What is ChromeOS Flex?

ChromeOS Flex is a new and improved operating system developed by Google this past summer. Basically, it utilizes the same operating system as Chromebooks. Any user is able to use this browser-based operating system. Chromebooks are simplistic in the sense that they only support a web browser that contains cloud-based applications. In reality, many companies only need cloud-based apps to function in their daily work tasks. This is a practical way of turning outdated devices into something that can assist customers with their everyday operations.


The highlighting features of ChromeOS Flex are its easy installation and price. ChromeOS Flex is free to download and can be deployed on any device, old or new. Users must have a USB drive or a corporate network to install the operating system.

ChromeOS Flex is easily managed using the Google Admin console through the Chrome Enterprise Upgrade. The dashboard can be utilized to manage applications and policies from anywhere. This option has an additional cost per user per month. 

ChromeOS Flex is better for business and the environment. It utilizes approximately 19% less energy consumption than other devices. By downloading ChromeOS Flex into existing devices, the amount of e-waste generated is greatly reduced.

From a security standpoint, ChromeOS Flex is very safe. The majority of malware attacks occur in the more commonly known operating systems like Windows and macOS. ChromeOS Flex provides protection from evolving threats such as ransomware, malware, and any possible employee errors.

Considering that ChromeOS Flex is basically a web browser, most people already know how to use it. This is a practical solution to enhance outdated devices without the addition of a difficult learning curve. ChromeOS Flex also runs background updates that reduce device downtime and improve overall productivity.

Can ChromeOS Flex Work for You and Your Business?

Is ChromeOS Flex the right operating system for your organization? The answer to that question is contingent on the solutions your business needs to be productive and efficient in day-to-day tasks. A company that relies solely on cloud-based applications will likely benefit from ChromeOS Flex. On the other hand, if your company depends on Windows, Mac, or other exclusive software, then ChromeOS Flex may not work for your business.

To determine if ChromeOS Flex is an appropriate choice for your business needs and operations, contact 4 Corner IT today at 954.474.2204. For any additional questions or to learn more about ChromeOS Flex and other technology solutions on the market, give us a call today.

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