How to Prevent Data Leakage with Microsoft Data Loss Prevention

microsoft data loss protection

Businesses using Microsoft Office 365 have new options to prevent data leakage from their business. Whether a company frequently handles sensitive information like patient information or wants to clamp down on sharing personally identifiable information (PII) via e-mail, the Microsoft Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tools can help. A brief overview of the DLP capabilities will show why businesses that operate in industries with a lot of regulations need to deploy their IT team to shore up their defenses.

Microsoft DLP—Identifying Shared Information

The Microsoft Data Loss Prevention tools are a system within Office 365 that reads the information that you input in the Microsoft cloud software such as OneDrive, SharePoint Online, and Exchange Online. Also, the DLP can be applied to offline sources for added security.

Essentially, an IT team sets up the DLP to process all the data that you send through these systems and flags information that you do not want to be shared. The toolset can identify credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other forms of PII.

The system can be localized to the country in which a company operates as well as those with whom they do business. For example, the system can be set so that Australian ID numbers and American ID numbers can both trigger the security protocols, protecting a wider swath of data without burdening the system with data that would never be used.

Each business is in charge of establishing the parameters that they would like followed as well as the desired results when the information shared does produce a red flag.

The system can be set to remove a file with PII or disallow the communication from going forth. Furthermore, the system will send messages to the appropriate members of management to provide documentation about the attempts to send out information.

DLP is easy to set up with the help of trained IT team members, and it goes into effect in less than an hour after establishing parameters.

Monitoring and Educating Employees

The vast majority of employees do not want to contribute to a leak of personal information for the people they serve or those they work with. However, there are still internal data losses every year where people within a company unwittingly give away valuable data.

As previously mentioned, an IT team can work to establish specific parameters for data sharing. These DLP parameters can identify when PII or other valued information is shared internally and externally in Microsoft software.

Not only will utilizing DLP tools cut down on the frequency of leaks, but they will give management the tools they need to teach workers about their specific vulnerabilities and how to prevent them from happening in the future.

Using Microsoft DLP to prevent data leakage is a step that every business operating with Office 365 should take. Simply identifying the types of information you do not want to be shared and enabling the parameters and alerts for data can prevent many common problems from occurring. The result is your company will identify which employees are responsible for data leaks so they can be properly re-educated and save information from falling into the wrong hands.

Don’t Let IT Get You Down

don t let it get you down

A career in information technology (IT) has its benefits. It usually pays well, and you’ll often have the option to work flexible hours or remotely if necessary. But, there are also significant downsides, including having to spend all day staring into a screen and trying to figure out crashes and bugs that don’t make any sense. It doesn’t matter if you’re a dev manager or a help desk tech, because there are things you can do every day to keep your passion for technology alive and well (and your stress levels low).

Here are a few ideas:

Add to your knowledge base (or share what you know)

Technology changes rapidly, and what was innovative in 2018 may be outdated by this summer. This can leave you feeling out of the loop, which can contribute to feelings of career burnout. Make a point to stay up to date on the latest breakthroughs, rules, and regulations. This is especially important if you work in an industry that prioritizes security.

For example, if you work in the financial sector, you’ll need to be up to date on cybersecurity regulations. Staying abreast of this information will make you more valuable to your company, and can give you an edge if you decide to change careers later. Thinking about the cybersecurity example, you should know that people in these types of roles an average of $90,000 – $185,000 a year, and there’s room for career advancement.

As you continue learning new methods and processes, you can also reignite your passion by sharing your skills with others. If you have a degree, you might be able to find a part-time job teaching night classes at your local college. There are also websites that allow you to publish learning materials and earn a passive income by sharing your knowledge with up and comers in the IT world.

Relieve the strain on your eyes

Sitting at a computer for hours each day is part of the job. But the light coming from that screen can take a toll on your eyes. explains that blue light, which is dominant in display screens, scatters easily. This means your eyes have more trouble focusing, and this can lead to ocular discomfort, headaches, and mental fatigue. It might seem like a small thing, but wearing special glasses that reduce blue light can have a positive impact on your workday.

Leave work at work

Although it’s true that one of the benefits of the digital age is that you can work remotely, it has made it so that we feel like we have to be on the clock and ready for action 24/7. Maintaining this mindset, however admirable, can actually hurt your career in the long run. Instead of constantly toiling over assignments (and then procrastinating later), make a point to disconnect during specific hours. This might be from the time you leave the office until the next morning, for example. Even a short timeframe, such as the two hours around family dinner time, can help you improve your work/life balance.

Another idea is to remove your work email from your personal phone. If you don’t already have a hobby, offers this list of outdoor recreation activities, which are the perfect distraction to keep your mind off of work. You should find other ways to relieve work stress, such as eating healthy, practicing mindfulness, saying “no,” and getting enough sleep.

Most importantly, try to remember why you got into your particular profession. It may have been that you were intrigued by computers or wanted to flex your problem-solving muscles. Whatever the reason, the above tips can help you keep burnout at bay so that you can continue to earn an income and provide for your family.