What is Hybrid IT Support and how can it benefit organizations?

a woman wearing a headset in a call center

Hybrid IT Support is becoming increasingly popular among organizations looking to balance their IT needs between in-house and outsourced services. This model combines internal staff’s control and expertise with external vendors’ flexibility and scalability, offering a higher level of service than either option alone. Outsourcing can provide cost savings and access to specialized skills. Still, it may present security risks, while relying solely on in-house staff can limit growth potential and require additional resources.

This article will explore the benefits of outsourcing IT Services, assess the potential results of combining in-house and outsourced IT Support, and understand the cost implications of Hybrid IT solutions. By considering all these factors, organizations can optimize their network setup and remain competitive. 

What Is Hybrid IT Support?

Hybrid IT Support is a combination of outsourced and in-house IT Services. This approach combines the flexibility, scalability, and cost savings associated with outsourcing with the control over technical expertise provided by internal IT staff. Co-managed IT Support offers organizations a higher level of service than if they solely relied on in-house or outsourced options alone.  

Outsourcing can benefit companies that do not have an extensive technology infrastructure or lack specific skillsets internally; however, this option may also present security risks due to its reliance on third-party providers. In contrast, having only in-house staff can limit growth potential and require additional resources to manage service levels.  

The Hybrid model offers a comprehensive view of outsourced and internally managed systems while providing access to specialized external vendors when needed. It allows businesses to maintain their core competencies while utilizing specialized knowledge through outside sources and greater insight into overall system performance. Additionally, this method enables better alignment between business objectives and IT goals while ensuring data security protocols are met.  

Understanding The Benefits of Outsourcing IT Services

Organizations that outsource IT Services can benefit in a variety of ways. One primary advantage is the cost savings associated with outsourcing; companies can reduce their overall operating costs by having external contractors provide IT solutions and support instead of hiring in-house staff members. Furthermore, given the scalability of many outsourced services, organizations can quickly increase or decrease their resources without incurring additional fees. Therefore, businesses have more flexibility when managing their budget for IT needs.  

Another major benefit related to outsourcing IT Services is access to specialized skills and expertise which may not be available within an organization’s existing staff composition. By relying on third-party providers specializing in particular areas, such as cybersecurity or software development, firms can ensure their systems remain secure and up to date with the latest technologies. Moreover, since these vendors typically offer a wide range of products and services from various suppliers, businesses have greater choices when deciding which solutions best suit their requirements.  

Finally, large enterprises often find working with multiple service providers more efficient than dealing directly with hardware manufacturers or software developers. This arrangement allows them to take advantage of competitive pricing while enjoying reliable customer service and technical support. In addition, most vendors offer maintenance contracts that guarantee long-term functionality and performance levels while helping clients avoid expensive repairs due to system failures or obsolete equipment.  

Assessing The Potential Results of Combining In-House & Outsourced IT Support

When considering the potential results of combining in-house and outsourced IT Support, assessing both short-term and long-term effects is important. Combining these two elements can increase efficiency within an organization, provide a greater level of technical expertise, and reduce costs associated with hiring dedicated staff members.  

In terms of immediate benefits, Hybrid IT Support can help organizations:  

  • Gain access to specialized skillsets on a pay-as-you-go basis  
  • Streamline operations by utilizing existing resources more effectively
  • Receive assistance from remote experts when needed
  • Leverage cutting-edge technologies without needing to invest heavily in hardware or software infrastructure
  • Improve customer service via faster resolution times for tech issues  

Additionally, several long-term advantages come with this model as well. Hybrid IT Services eliminate the need for training new personnel, eliminating time-consuming onboarding processes. They also allow organizations to scale up quickly during growth and downsize just as easily when demands decrease. Furthermore, businesses will benefit from the increased flexibility of outsourcing certain IT needs while maintaining control over key projects such as system upgrades or data migration tasks.  

Overall, Hybrid IT solutions offer numerous benefits businesses should consider when optimizing their network setup. By taking advantage of internal and external resources, companies can reap the rewards of improved productivity at reduced cost levels compared to traditional methods.  

What Does Hybrid IT Support Cost?

When estimating the total final cost, consider including a few things. Such as in-house personnel costs, hardware and software budgets, and additional services from external providers.  

It is essential to factor in internal staff salaries and any fees associated with outsourcing IT Services. For example, an organization must pay separately if it opts for outsourced help desk services or managed IT solutions. Additionally, depending on the project’s complexity, there may also be a need for specialized consultants or outside experts who can provide technical advice and guidance throughout the process. It is, therefore, essential for businesses to consider these potential expenses when budgeting for Hybrid IT Support solutions.  

Hardware and software upgrades should also play a part in calculating overall expenditure related to Hybrid IT Support. Depending on the scope of work required by the company, this could involve purchasing new servers or other compute resources; updating operating systems; installing security patches; upgrading storage capacity; implementing cloud computing solutions; or investing in custom applications development. While some of these implementations may incur substantial one-off costs initially, over time, they can yield numerous benefits, such as improved performance levels and scalability options that could save money.  

Considering all these elements, it becomes clear that there is no definitive answer as to how much Hybrid IT Support will cost a business due to its individualized nature. A range of variables must be assessed before evaluating what level of investment makes sense financially – not only in terms of initial expenditure but also ongoing maintenance fees -to obtain optimal results and remain competitive within their industry. 


Hybrid IT Support, a combination of in-house and outsourced IT Services, is becoming increasingly popular among organizations looking to balance their IT needs. This model combines internal staff’s control and expertise with external vendors’ flexibility and scalability, offering a higher level of service than either option alone. Outsourcing provides cost savings and access to specialized skills, but it also presents security risks, while relying solely on in-house staff can limit growth potential and require additional resources.  

By considering all these factors, organizations can optimize their network setup and remain competitive. The cost of Hybrid IT Support varies depending on several factors, including in-house personnel costs, hardware and software budgets, and additional services from external providers. Organizations must assess these potential expenses when budgeting for Hybrid IT Support solutions. Overall, Hybrid IT solutions offer numerous benefits that businesses should consider when optimizing their network setup, such as improved productivity at reduced cost levels compared to traditional methods. 

To learn more about how Hybrid IT support can benefit your organization, speak with a skilled IT consultant at WheelHouse IT today. We can help you create a custom plan that maximizes productivity and reduces risk. Thus, delivering the outcomes you need to succeed. Reach out to us now for help getting started!

5 Reasons Remote Monitoring and Maintenance is Essential

an abstract image of a tower in the middle of the ocean

While reliable technology support has always been important, the sudden and widespread adoption of remote work by so many businesses has made it an essential component for an organization’s success. However, for your team members to have technology that continues to serve them as they do so, it is important that they are able to receive the same support as they would in the office. To accomplish this, remote monitoring and maintenance has proven to be a critical resource, providing a litany of benefits. Let’s go into what these benefits are, and how they take shape through the implementation of this method of receiving support.

What is Remote Monitoring and Maintenance (RMM)?

As a managed service provider, a considerable portion of our responsibility is to be sure that our clients’ technology is operating as it should. To do so, a methodology known as remote monitoring and maintenance is employed.

RMM solutions give our team the capability to keep track of our clients’ technology solutions from a distance, thereby enabling us to diagnose, mitigate, and resolve many IT issues that would otherwise cause operational headaches (or worse). As such, we can deliver considerable value to those we serve. With our real-time monitoring tools, many issues can be detected before their impacts become noticeable.

This, in turn, translates to considerable benefits. Let’s go over these benefits now, to demonstrate how RMM supplements a business’ operations:

Proactive Maintenance, and All That Comes With It

Our services as an MSP are all about embracing proactivity whenever the opportunity arises, and remote monitoring and maintenance is the perfect vehicle to this very outcome. Our solutions will keep an eye on your infrastructure, alerting our team at the first sign of an issue and enabling us to solve it—often before you or your team members realize that an issue is present.

In addition to active issue resolution, this proactive maintenance means that we’ll also keep track of any updates that are available for your solutions and apply them appropriately.

Minimized Downtime

As any business owner knows, “downtime” is technically a four-letter word in the workplace. Depending on the severity of the event, even a brief instance can incur significant financial costs. Thanks to the inherent proactivity of RMM, most downtime events can be avoided (and their financial repercussions sidestepped) so that your business processes are effectively untouched by any issues.

Improved Security

RMM can also help you to keep your business better protected against threats. One of the primary reasons that cyberattacks can get to be so severe is that many are not detected until long after the fact.

However, with remote monitoring in place, our team of professionals can be alerted of even the smallest sign of a potential breach. This puts us in place to resolve the underlying problem and keep your business safe.

Ensured Productivity

Let’s jump back to the impacts of minimizing downtime for a moment. One of the most important, and most prioritized, aspects in any business is the level of productivity that can be maintained. Eliminating your downtime is one of the few ways to do so that can have a 100 percent impact on your productivity. The fewer issues your employees encounter, the more they will be able to accomplish—something that our proactive maintenance facilitates.

Streamlined Cost of Ownership

Everyone likes to save money, right? Unfortunately, a lot of the technology that a business relies on can swiftly cause costs to rise expeditiously. A lot of this is due to the combination of maintenance needs after the fact, and the downtime that is incurred in the meantime.

However, by avoiding this by means of proactive maintenance through a predictable and budgeted service, these costs can be reduced significantly, helping your business that much more.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the benefits that remote monitoring and maintenance provide—or you’d like to experience them for yourself—give 4Corner IT a call at (954) 474-2204.

Do You Have the Tools to Track Your Fleet?

a row of white vans parked in front of a building

In a very real way, the Internet has spoiled us, to the point that we fully expect an order to be in our hand in 72 hours – oftentimes, far less than that. Shipping speeds like these are now possible thanks to the use of advanced logistics. If you’re starting to incorporate eCommerce into your business, or distribution has proved troublesome, you may want to consider a fleet management system.

Understanding Fleet Management

Whether you’re talking about a taxi company or driving service, service organization, product distributors, or any of a wide variety of others, the businesses who get the most value out of fleet management solutions are the ones heavily engaged in transportation. The idea is to better manage a fleet of vehicles to more efficiently deliver the applicable goods or service, thereby reducing overall organizational distribution costs.

Fleet management can help you reduce the cost of owning the vehicles that make up the fleet, better enforce policies and procedures geared toward safety, and generally decrease your risk. All vehicle deployments are tracked by a fleet management system via GPS, and if integrated with a CRM, ERP, or other form of management platform, vehicle maintenance can be more effectively monitored and scheduled.

Let’s dive into some of a fleet management platform’s benefits a little more closely:

Driver Safety

Let’s discuss one of the most important factors of having a workforce on the road: the safety of your drivers. Fleet management solutions can help by ensuring they are tracked, and the events of the road are fully transparent, with devices like dash cams installed. Using these devices, drivers are both protected and can boost their efficiency on the road by altering their routes in real-time. This data can also be used to more effectively train drivers.

Fleet Tracking

It only makes sense that you would want to know the locations of your company’s vehicles. In addition to this obvious benefit, fleet management also enables you to create better routes to make deliveries more efficient, trips less strenuous on the vehicles, and more fuel efficient as well.

Driver Retention

Many distributors are finding it to be a challenge to keep their drivers on, especially with a current shortage of drivers available. As with any industry, turnover rates are expensive to a business. Incorporating a fleet management system is effectively working to improve workplace conditions by improving the relationships between administrators, and the drivers behind the wheel.

Maintenance and Vehicle Acquisition

A fleet needs vehicles, so it makes sense that you would want a system in place to help you predict when your vehicles need a little TLC, and when it is time to bring in new rigs. A fleet management system compiles the data necessary to inform your various strategies, like when to buy new vehicles and when to maintain the ones you have.

South Florida businesses know WheelHouse IT as their best option for technology services and solutions. For more information on how your business can help boost its operations and profitability, give our professionals a call at (877) 771-2384.

Why Patch Management is Important in 2019 and Beyond

a man in a suit sitting at a desk in front of a laptop

It might seem plausible for IT managers to believe 2019 was a particularly bad year for patch management issues, thinking perhaps they’ll finally be able to focus on other “more important” security issues in 2020 and beyond, but that is not at all realistic.

In fact, as both employers and employees alike find new ways to harness technologies that help to increase productivity and grow their business, the expansion of new hardware and software options will continue to explode. Of course, along with each new application and device there are invariably imperfections that must be patched. The sooner a business comes to terms with the fact that having a comprehensive patch management system is the price they’ll have to pay to take advantage of new technologies, the sooner their corporate data will become safer and more secure.

Is Patch Management Really That Important?

Many people think the majority of security issues arise from a cyber criminal stealthily creeping through their personal information looking for passwords or social security numbers. In reality, the majority of data breaches (57%) occur from vulnerabilities due to poor patch management practices. Considering the explosion in applications, smart devices, operating system versions, etc., it’s no wonder companies feel overwhelmed and unable to patch security holes fast enough to keep up with all the threats.

A recent survey of 3,000 cyber professionals across the globe, reported 48% experienced a security breach within the past 2 years, with poor patching processes as one of the main reasons for the attacks.  

Things to Look For in a Strategic PM Solution

With these sobering statistics, it becomes much easier to see that poor patch management is a serious issue within the business community. The fact that poor patching procedures often leads to cyber breaches should be a wake up call for those following little or no protocol. Companies who want to reduce their risk of encountering a costly and devastating security breach need to gain the upper hand on this often neglected area by developing a sound plan. Of course, larger companies can afford to hire a complete staff to develop and manage a PM solution, however smaller companies often need to look to an external vendor for help.

When researching vendors who have such solutions, it’s important to consider whether their plan incorporates the entire patch management lifecycle. The basic structure of the life cycle is as follows:

  1. Discovery – assess all technology use
  2. Categorize and prioritize – people, devices, processes, etc.
  3. Create a patch policy – (and keep it updated)
  4. Institute monitoring processes for new patches
  5. Patch test in non-production environment
  6. Manage associated configurations
  7. Patch rollout
  8. Audit results of patch rollouts
  9. Reporting and analysis of results
  10. Repeated review of life cycle for optimization 

Getting Started 

Companies who are beginning to realize they need to take a more serious approach to focusing on and organizing their patch rollouts, can also benefit by taking these additional steps that will help them get on the right track. Start by applying patches for those risks labeled as critical. Develop and implement a data backup and recovery plan. Decide to make a proactive patch management philosophy (and practice) a core component of your technology security strategy.

Centralize and automate the patch application process by employing automated patch software. Evaluate employee end-user rights and only give admin rights to those deemed absolutely necessary. Regularly patch and update the preconfigured computer template used when onboarding new employees. That way new employees will automatically have all the latest operating system patches, along with those for business applications, software, privileges, and other important settings.

If you would like more information on developing and implementing a solid patch management solution for your business, please contact us!

Best Practices for IT Service Management

a group of business people gathered around a laptop
Practices for IT Service Management

Most businesses today rely heavily on IT service management to resolve IT issues that arise from time to time, which promotes sustainability within their business operations.

In that case, IT service management (ITSM) focuses on ensuring that your IT requirements are in line with what you aspire to achieve as a business operator. Additionally, ITSM shifts companies from addressing problems when they occur to the prevention of eventualities.

So, for your organization to overcome IT-related challenges, your ITSM strategy should include the design, delivery, monitoring, and management of the use of IT services within your enterprise. Here are some of the ITSM implementation best practices.

Do Not Wait for The “Perfect Time”

Most individuals will wait for the “perfect time” to make particular decisions, the “right time” to take action, or the “ideal time” to deploy a particular plan. However, it is important to note that there is never a “perfect time” to start something, neither is there a “perfect solution” for every problem affecting your organization at present or in the future.

For that reason, you need to appreciate the fact that the ITSM requirements of your firm will vary on different occasions, but you cannot fail to implement the service because of this fact. Additionally, deploying an ITSM strategy will bear a specific impact on your business operations, which is okay.

The reason, in this case, is that ignoring the need to implement ITSM may result in the loss of customers due to the absence of particular processes or poor deployment of the same. So, implementing ITSM is paramount whichever way you look at it as an entrepreneur.

Prioritize Your Clients

Some of the considerations for most business owners before making specific decisions include the risk factor and their financial obligations. The reason is that entrepreneurs will ultimately transfer both the risk and cost of any process to the consumer. Therefore, as you work towards implementing ITMS, you need to ensure that each of your products and services avails value to the end user.

As a result, you will strengthen your relationship with customers as they enjoy value for their money when you decide to implement the ITMS.

The 80/20 Rule

When referring to the 80/20 rule in ITSM the implication is that 80% of business processes are useful to entrepreneurs, while 20% are critical, 20% of infrastructure manager installations are responsible for 80% of service outages, and 20% of your users as a service delivery manager are the cause of 80% of recurring IT issues.

As such, the best practice, in this case, is maintaining essential details on resolving problems manually whenever they arise even as you automate processes.

If you need more information on IT service management best practices, contact us today!