why should i use https why you should be using https

Surf safely. Address bar showing safe navigation icon.

In recent news, you may have heard more buzz about websites using HTTPS rather than a traditional HTTP address. Let’s take a closer look at the difference between the two. This applies whether you’re a web surfer or someone who manages a website.

First, what’s the difference between HTTP and HTTPS? The “S” identifies that the website is secure, by using encrypted data transmission methods. HTTPS sites ensure that your confidential information stays safe from anyone trying to spy on you. They also confirm that the data on the website was not modified with malware or phishing practices.

 As a consumer, it’s a great idea for you to take notes of the sites you visit. Then understand which ones are secure using HTTPS. However, if you are going to enter personal information on any site, such as a credit card, account information or address, then it’s absolutely critical that you only use secure sites. Remember that even a site that asks you for a username and password can only ensure your information safety by offering an encrypted site.  It’s also important to remember that even though nearly every website or form accessed online shows you the little black dots on your screen as you enter your login credentials, it is very easy for a cyber criminal to intercept that information unless you’re on a secure site.

HTTPS for Business

If you’re a business owner concerned about your site’s safety, or perhaps you manage a site for your employer, you should also consider the headaches that could come from not using encryption. The most obvious consequence would be letting your company’s data or your customer’s confidential information fall into the wrong hands. You should also know that attackers acquire lists of passwords and the usernames or email addresses they are tied to. Additionally, many people use the same login for multiple accounts. So while you think your site doesn’t need to bother with HTTPS, if a criminal accesses a customer’s email and password they use to log into your website, the potential is great that the same information will unlock other sites as well.

 If you’re ready to discuss cyber safety for your SMB, 4 Corner IT has the expertise you need! Contact us today and let’s get started on your company’s personalized plan!

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