The Covid-19 pandemic has had lasting effects on the “normal” work environment. Many companies have adopted the hybrid workplace, combining in-person and remote work. This has helped some people find the work-life balance they have always desired. However, others found the hybrid work environment lacks the inclusivity that is usually found in the in-person workplace. 

Hybrid work solves issues but may create other problems

The majority of businesses report that a hybrid work environment has been extremely effective for their daily operations. It has improved the flexibility of the workplace by allowing individuals to be productive while balancing their work and personal life. 

Unfortunately, microaggressions have also been reported in the hybrid work environment. Microaggression is a term used to describe daily, subtle, intentional or unintentional behaviors that communicate bias towards others. This is important to notice within the work environment as it can often hinder productivity and business operations. The most common microaggression reported is proximity bias. Meaning employers, or upper management may favor or prefer those who actually come to work in person. 

As previously mentioned, many companies transitioned to remote work at the beginning of the pandemic. Since then, some employees in these businesses have returned to the office and began business as usual prior to the pandemic. Meanwhile, other employees continue to work remotely from home. It has been noted that management is more than likely to consider those employees who actually come into the office regarding promotions, raises, or bonuses rather than those who work remotely. This is because in-person workers are seen on a daily basis. Also, management is more likely to trust those that come into the office as those individuals can be seen and supervised than those that work from home. 

Certain groups of people are more affected by a lack of inclusivity

The recent trends in those returning to work are typically executives or those who are higher up in the company. Generally, these people are white males who are non-parents, indicating that there is not as much diversity as there should be. Employees working remotely might be discriminated against based on their sex, gender, race, and/or disability. Employees who choose to work remotely manage their work responsibilities better while caring for their families and children.

While it is important to remember that a distinct type of work environment is not conducive to all employees and the business’s success, the use of collaborative technology solutions can help a company tremendously when there are varying kinds of “workplaces”. This will help the organization by allowing communication between all employees to foster a more collaborative approach.

4 Corner IT can help your business determine the right technology solutions that will assist all of your employees whether they work from home, go into the office, or have a hybrid schedule. For more information, contact us today at 954.474.2204.

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