IT Consulting in South Florida: Gain A Competitive Edge

it consulting can help you gain a competitive edge in your industry

it consulting in south florida

4 Corner IT Consulting in South Florida

If you have a small or medium-sized business in South Florida, you will need to pull out all the stops necessary to remain part of the competition. If you do not have anything that gives your business an edge against the other companies, you can put your business at a major risk. One of the best ways to stay competitive and improve your business is by seeking IT consulting.

Experience of IT Consultants

A firm that specializes in IT consulting can give your company take advantage of all of the benefits that information technology has to offer. An IT consulting firm is up to date on all of the latest information available because of their training and their experience of being out in the technology world. IT consultants understand how to execute the latest software, equipment, and Internet and network connections that are out there to be used. IT consultants also know what software and technology will work and what will not work.

Competitive Edge

When your company has a competitive edge in the race, it does not just mean that you use better equipment to remain up to date on all of your products or putting together pamphlets together for your office. It can mean that you are updating the equipment, connections, and other technology that you have previously used. Whenever you think that there is something new in technology that will allow you to leap over your competitors, an IT consultant will be able to tell you if that addition will allow you to gain leverage over your competitors.

At 4 Corner IT, we will make it our mission to know about all of the current technology and the technology that is upcoming. Our firm can connect you with the right companies that will help your business become a top competitor in your industry. We will not lead you to software or equipment that will not work for you business.

We all know how quickly technology changes, and it can be hard for people in a company to remain current with all of the latest technology. When you seek out help from an IT consulting firm like 4 Corner IT, you will have a team member that will have the technology knowledge that you are seeking.

Contact us if you’re looking for a way to remain above the competition with IT consulting in South Florida.

Turning Technological Inefficiency into Efficiency with Managed IT Services

turning technological inefficiency into efficiency with managed it services

To small businesses that are faced with a tight budget, managed IT services may seem like an unnecessary expense. Yet the reality is that many small businesses that make this decision are unknowingly choosing inefficiency, especially with their technology infrastructure.

While businesses think they’re saving money by using their old hardware, they’re actually losing money every day because of a lack of efficiency. Many businesses that have an outdated technology infrastructure are losing money because of old desktops, under-rated server hardware, outdated software, and dated networking equipment.

recent Philadelphia Business Journal article discusses this paradox and explains why it’s so common yet so damaging. The article asserts that businesses that stick with old technology will not be in business for long because over time, the technological inefficiencies will add up against them:

“What’s holding them back? It’s a reluctance to change the way processes are managed and a concern that adopting new routines will upset daily operations and resources. What a shame! Too many businesses today feel it is easier to maintain business operations by adhering to the status quo, regardless of its numerous drawbacks. The reality is, businesses that maintain a low tech philosophy will not be in business for long.”

In other words, businesses have to first pay to have efficiency. Purchasing new plans or software may come with an upfront cost, but it saves money later down the road.

Consider how managed IT services can take many of the technology inefficiencies mentioned before and transition them into modern, updated efficiencies. With managed IT services businesses can get rid of their old desktop and switch to the Cloud. They get to enjoy the better quality hardware of the managed services provider and profit off of their software recommendations. All of these changes lead to more efficient business operations and long-term cost-savings.

If you would like more information about managed IT services, contact us.

Network Support in Miami Explains No-Cost Ways to Keep Company Data Safe

network support in miami explains no cost ways to keep company data safe

Like any other small or medium business owner, you rely on such data as customer addresses, commercial transaction records, and supplier contracts, to keep your company humming.

You’ve no doubt implemented several software solutions to protect your network from hackers and malware. Such measures proved costly and time-consuming to implement. If you want to increase protection for your company information, follow these tips, which cost you nothing.

Turn Your Displays Away from Public View

If your monitors face windows, then passersby on the sidewalk outside, or spies using binoculars in the next building can observe you entering data. Displays visible from office corridors also suffer from the same visibility. To avoid this issue, position your screens so only the users can view them.

Avoid Logging In with Free WiFi Services

One way you save money and still remain connected to work is to use the free WiFi services available in coffee shops or public transportation, among other locations. Unfortunately, any hacker can use the unsecured airwaves to observe the data on your screen. To avoid this, do not use any websites that require logins, such as your personal email or company database.

Lock Up Unused Equipment

When you upgrade your mobile machines, such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops, what happens to the old devices?

You may just put them in an unlocked desk drawer or on your desktop, ready to be taken by thieves. Unused equipment must go inside locked drawers or locked cabinets, preferably inside a locked room where you and just a few trusted employees have the key.

Wipe the memories of such devices regularly to prevent hackers from taking the device just to access the hard drive.

If you want to know more about how to keep your company data safe, please contact us, your network support in Miami.

Outsourced IT Support is a Leg Up to the Playing Field

outsourced it support is a leg up to the playing field

The thing about your internal enterprise IT support is that the latter is always a cost center and somewhat like a 25-pound weight around your otherwise lean midsection.

Who hasn’t cringed under the gimlet eye of the IT manager, who, in response to a suggestion or request for more data access has replied, “No, we can’t do that now.

Our system is maxed out because of the monthly usage reports we in the IT department need”?

OK, that’s somewhat of an extreme example, but it does conjure up familiar memories of the old-time IT support. It was like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz being warned not to look behind the curtain. You don’t know exactly what’s going on there, but you certainly know that when the system is down, it’s still gnawing at your bottom line.

Then there’s the effect of equipment aging when amortization deteriorates past depreciation and into another looming capital investment liability. All the while, everything you do and all the business records you have accumulated during the past ten years are in the form of digitized zeros and ones. Sure, everything is backed up, but what if your backup goes belly-up because of an act of God or the negligence of man?

You’re aware of your own playing field, because you’ve been competing out there. It’s like a three-legged race, and what you’re tethered to is both your cost of doing business and your lack of agility as equipment ages in the face of stiffer and increasing competition by hungry competitors, who are increasingly relying on and employing outsourced IT.

A great example of how effective the use of outsourced IT is our air traffic control system. Imagine if every airline had to do it’s own traffic control. For a start, we’d need private airports for each, and the redundancy and confusion would be unimaginable. Likewise, our air traffic control system is a classic example of leveling the playing field. All airlines, regardless of size and revenues, benefit from outsourcing a service to which each airline has immediate and equal access.

Analogies and metaphors notwithstanding, it may be time to take your IT support out of the realm of a significant cost center where you pay to be somewhat encumbered. Why not make your IT support a scalable and predictable expense? It is scalable in the sense that you pay for what you use, and it is predictable because you know its monthly costs without having to factor in breakdowns and training curves.

Here at 4 Corner IT we can give you that aforementioned leg up with a customized outsourced IT management program. We’ve been there a long time and are still doing that today.

Contact us and see how outsourced IT services can help you drop the burden of high IT costs.

The Perks of Worry-Free IT Support and Network Support

the perks of worry free it support and network support

Are you running a small medium business and trying to find ways to streamline the tech side of things? Well the hardest part of running your own business is getting it started up. Now comes the easy part, finding an IT support company. Some people embrace the technological side of business and others shy away from it; but it’s really nothing to even worry about.

If you’re reading this post you’ve already come to 4 Corner IT. That’s the first step. Just contact us and find out that it gets easier as we move things along.

First of all, whether you have a small medium business or any other sized business we can help you. The first step is always assessing the situation and finding out what is needed to make your individual business more successful.

What are you trying to achieve by integrating more technology into your business?

These are questions asked and when answered provide insight into exactly how your new IT system will be directed.

Once your services are up and running your business can rely on the ongoing support from specialists that eliminate the need for you to keep an IT tech on sight.

24 hour help desk allows for any situation to be addressed. Through remote desktop access the techs at 4 Corner IT can keep your systems up and running without you needing to worry about the technical side of your business. This frees you, the business owner to focus on what’s really important, the customer and what you can offer them.

The features that are offered are too many for me to list here. Check them out here:

Bottom line any business, whether you are a potter who ships your product world-wide and needs to keep track of inventory or you run a service-oriented business where reports and information needs to be conveyed between offices, runs with computer support. To keep your business running smoothly and efficiently you need to keep that computer system operating optimally.

4 Corner IT offers worry free tech support that will allow you, the business owner, to build and expand without having to even think about whether your systems can keep up.

Also, Check Out Our Cabling Services!