What is CRM Integration and What Are It’s Benefits?

what is crm integration and what are it benefits

The whole point of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, is to keep all of your customer’s information organized so that you have no problem keeping track of it, while also managing customer activities and conversations.

This lends a helping hand, specifically, to the customer service, marketing and sales teams because with the information collected, they can better understand the wants and needs of your customers. Each day many businesses waste valuable time and effort, simply searching for information. That’s time that could be spent working on more important aspects of your business.

CRM Integration, simply speaks to a consolidation of all your company’s information into one centralized database, but ultimately means you’re not relying on an in-house data structure to carry out day-to-day tasks.

This way, you and your team can get any necessary work done, come rain or shine; while you’re in the office or out. As a bonus, integrating your website & marketing software means that your customer’s information goes right to your CRM.

Take for example, if a potential customer were to download a white paper or some type of informational guide from your website. If your maketing software is automated & integrated with your CRM, then a new log, or record, will be created of when the customer visited your website last; what pages the customer looked at; what information they requested and so on.

This log will then be sent to a sales rep for a follow up on that potential customer. Giving your sales team the best leg up in terms of converting a potential customer into a paying customer.

Lets consider some other benefits that CRM integration can offer your business:

  • It can improve communication & customer retention.
  • It can Enhance customer prospect tracking.
  • Makes it possible to deliver more targeted marketing, with higher quality leads.
  • More efficient workflow and customer processing.
  • You’ll save valuable time and effort because all needed information is at your fingertips.

Whether big or small, all businesses can reap the rewards of CRM integration. Giving them an invaluable edge as the need for organization increases.

You need a partner that ensures your success, not a run of the mill computer guy or IT Company benefiting from your problems.

4 Corner IT is the next level for your company, let us show you the why and how. Contact us to request a call or an appointment with one of our IT experts.

Outsourced IT Support is a Leg Up to the Playing Field

outsourced it support is a leg up to the playing field

The thing about your internal enterprise IT support is that the latter is always a cost center and somewhat like a 25-pound weight around your otherwise lean midsection.

Who hasn’t cringed under the gimlet eye of the IT manager, who, in response to a suggestion or request for more data access has replied, “No, we can’t do that now.

Our system is maxed out because of the monthly usage reports we in the IT department need”?

OK, that’s somewhat of an extreme example, but it does conjure up familiar memories of the old-time IT support. It was like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz being warned not to look behind the curtain. You don’t know exactly what’s going on there, but you certainly know that when the system is down, it’s still gnawing at your bottom line.

Then there’s the effect of equipment aging when amortization deteriorates past depreciation and into another looming capital investment liability. All the while, everything you do and all the business records you have accumulated during the past ten years are in the form of digitized zeros and ones. Sure, everything is backed up, but what if your backup goes belly-up because of an act of God or the negligence of man?

You’re aware of your own playing field, because you’ve been competing out there. It’s like a three-legged race, and what you’re tethered to is both your cost of doing business and your lack of agility as equipment ages in the face of stiffer and increasing competition by hungry competitors, who are increasingly relying on and employing outsourced IT.

A great example of how effective the use of outsourced IT is our air traffic control system. Imagine if every airline had to do it’s own traffic control. For a start, we’d need private airports for each, and the redundancy and confusion would be unimaginable. Likewise, our air traffic control system is a classic example of leveling the playing field. All airlines, regardless of size and revenues, benefit from outsourcing a service to which each airline has immediate and equal access.

Analogies and metaphors notwithstanding, it may be time to take your IT support out of the realm of a significant cost center where you pay to be somewhat encumbered. Why not make your IT support a scalable and predictable expense? It is scalable in the sense that you pay for what you use, and it is predictable because you know its monthly costs without having to factor in breakdowns and training curves.

Here at 4 Corner IT we can give you that aforementioned leg up with a customized outsourced IT management program. We’ve been there a long time and are still doing that today.

Contact us and see how outsourced IT services can help you drop the burden of high IT costs.