Artificial Intelligence in Wearable Health Devices and IT

a person holding a smart watch in front of a laptop

Creators of wearable health devices are researching ways to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) technology to monitor users’ health. Prior to the incorporation of AI technology, wearables were used to monitor heart rate, blood pressure, glucose levels, and body temperature. Through the use of artificial intelligence, wearable health devices will be able to accurately predict the user’s movements. This applies even if the wearable is removed from the person.

Health Monitors as Adhesive Patches

Assistant Professor Sihong Wang from the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago is currently leading a team who is developing a chip that will collect data from biosensors. This chip will utilize machine learning to draw conclusions about the wearers’ health by sticking to the skin. 

If Professor Sihong Wang and his team’s development becomes a success, wearable biosensors can assist with the management of users’ health. Additionally, with keeping track of various vitals such as blood sugar and oxygen levels, movement, stress levels, and tracking heart rhythm. The advanced technology the team is using can even track electrocardiogram information.

Machine learning algorithms are already found in wearable heart monitors and various smartphone applications. This allows doctors to monitor heart conditions closely.

But, of course, as with any medical data like this, it can open up a whole other can of worms. One where privacy and security are of concern when integrated with various technology solutions.

Artificial intelligence will more than likely play a crucial role in healthcare systems over the next few years. Simply due to its unique ability to process large amounts of data in a productive and efficient manner.

Artificial Intelligence is Helpful in IT Too

Although the kind of chip that was described earlier may have limited functionality in an office environment, it serves as an example of how advanced AI technology has become. Through having the ability to automate tasks and data collection, as well as assist in workflow automation. With the use of proactive technological solutions, your systems can be automatically monitored for signs of security discrepancies or decline in the systems. Besides assisting in healthcare settings, artificial intelligence can also help businesses address any issues or complications with technology.

AI can be divided into five different technology parts. Machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, image processing, and speech recognition. A central role in the IT industry includes machine learning and deep learning.

Machine learning focuses on how a computer program is able to examine data using specific algorithms. In other words, a computer is trained to analyze large amounts of data at one time. Then to learn how to perform those particular tasks. Deep learning is a subcategory of machine learning and is similar. In deep learning, a computer system is trained to perform specific tasks from sounds, texts, or images.

Artificial intelligence can also be used in service management. AI can be utilized with service automation, allowing companies to be more productive and effective, resulting in faster, cost-effective delivery services.

To learn more about what we at 4 Corner IT can do to help your business grow, please contact us today at 954.474.2204.

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AI Can Serve a Valuable Role in Small Businesses

a computer generated image of a human brain

The world of artificial intelligence has vastly grown over the last few years. As advances are made, companies have found helpful ways to incorporate this innovation into their business technology. Thus, making business operations more efficient. What’s even better is that as AI develops, it becomes more accessible to small businesses that can greatly benefit from the technology as well. Let’s discuss how a small business might put artificial intelligence to use. Then, what it can do for their operations and growth.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

While the term AI is thrown around a lot in the technology world, many people are unaware of what it actually means. Artificial Intelligence is much more than Siri, Alexa, and cognitive thinking robots. 

AI is basically any software that is designed to follow similar patterns as our own learning and reasoning processes do in order to solve problems. It is our attempt to mimic our own cognitive processes.

How Can Today’s Small Businesses Use AI?

Enhancing Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence systems can help greatly in improving your office’s cybersecurity. They do this by tracking patterns and alerting whenever there is a break in said pattern. It will get to know your employee’s regular daily activities, used devices and applications, and times of activity. Therefore, it can alert you if there is any activity out of the ordinary like an attempted login in the middle of the night or attempts to override security measures. These sort of alerts can prevent cybercriminals gaining access to crucial information, reducing the possibility of a cyberattack.

Optimizing Customer Service

As we know, having prompt and helpful customer service is essential to any businesses’ overall customer satisfaction, but this can often result in valuable employee time being used to answer the same common questions over and over again. However, with AI you can automate these customer service actions that don’t require a live individual, saving your employees time and giving customer the quick and accurate help that they need. Automation also helps collect information from customers that your business could benefit from tracking.

Improving Marketing Efforts

One of the most important elements of a good marketing strategy is tracking and reading analytics. This process is very repetitive and time consuming for employees to complete, as there is often a lot of data and insights generated. Luckily innovation in AI can improve this process through automation. Artificial Intelligence now has the capabilities to take over these organizational and analytical processes on the business’s behalf, allowing you to easier identify which of your marketing efforts is most beneficial, and where your strategy needs improvement. 

Artificial Intelligence is More Accessible than Ever! 

If you, like many, didn’t realize that artificial intelligence may be something accessible to your small business, learn more AI and other business technology capabilities today! Give 4 Corner IT a call at 954-474-2204 to discuss what your options may be.

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