Absolute and Relative Cell References in Excel

absolute and relative cell references in excel computer tip of the day

Microsoft Excel is one of the most powerful computing tools available to a business person, regardless of the context in which they work, be it a home office, small business or trans-national corporation.  Among the many tools available in Excel, absolute and relative cell references are one of the more often over-looked and misunderstood.

Your computer tip of the day is what they are and how to use them both:

A relative cell reference is generated automatically by excel whenever you attempt to insert a cell reference in a formula. They are distinctive by the combination of letters and numbers that appear in the formula and the highlight produced on the cell being referenced.  Relative references have great power: as you copy and paste the formula left, right, up or down in your workbook, the formula updates to match its’ new position in the document and recalculate based on how far it moved in both directions. This in incredibly powerful for summing columns, or concatenating text strings in rows, for example.

Absolute cell references are different. You have to create them manually, by inserting a dollar sign in front of each portion of a relative cell reference. Yes, you can have partially absolute and partially relative cell references in the same place. An absolute cell reference will always find the exact cell specified, no matter where or how you copy the formula within the spreadsheet. This is an incredibly powerful tool if you need to apply things like a fixed percentage across a range of values, but that percentage needs to be the same for every value. You could simply specify that percentage at the top of the column, and then fill down the absolute reference formula in the same column.

Here are some examples:

  • Relative cell reference:  “B32”, “D17”, “G4”
  • Absolute cell reference:  “$B32”, “D$17”, “$G$4

Absolute and relative cell references are another powerful tool you can use to make Excel work easier for you. Contact us to learn more.

The Best Office 365 Features For Businesses

the best office 365 features for businesses

With their release of Office 365, Microsoft aims to help businesses that currently rely on Microsoft’s Office applications. Office 365 is a new suite of programs that will help businesses become more productive, along with keeping their information secure. If you are a business owner/manager, here are just a few of the office 365 features that may interest you.

Allow For Greater Productivity

When it comes to productivity – something every business manager is after – it all comes down to one thing: how easy is it to do your work? If something makes your job easier, it will increase productivity. That is essentially the goal of Office 365. Microsoft designed this suite of programs with simplicity in mind, so that your employees can spend more time worrying about their own tasks, rather than the technology performing them.

In The Cloud

One of the ways that Microsoft made these programs easier to use is by connecting everything through their cloud storage system. This means that employees can share files more quickly, make changes to those files, and access them from anywhere. As long as you have a computer, tablet or smart phone and an internet connection, you can access everything you need.

Administrator Control

Lastly, Microsoft has made it so administrators have a high level of control over the product, something that will make your IT department happy. By giving you more control over the system, you can monitor what is going on within the program, and correct any problems on the spot, should they arise. This means less time waiting for your IT guy to get off the phone with Microsoft’s support team, and more time being spent getting work done.

As you can see, there are some great features that can benefit your business, and there are many more. If you would like to learn more about how this suite of programs can help your business to become more productive, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Are Your Backup and Recovery Methods Effective?

are your backup and recovery methods effective

Businesses that suffer a loss of data often make use of backup and recovery measures. Unfortunately, their backup methods may fail completely or otherwise not work well for their data needs.

A survey recently reported in Business Cloud News showed that 86% of businesses that had lost important data used backup solutions, and 48% performed daily backups. However, they still couldn’t fully rely on their backup methods. Maybe they’d forgotten to back up all their devices, or their backup measures failed at critical points. Their costly losses underscore the need for reliable data backup solutions.

Do Your Data Backup Methods Work?

You need to know if the measures you’re using are effective. This involves testing them regularly to check if they would actually help you should you suffer an IT disaster.

There are several issues you should look into, including the following:

  • How frequently do you back up your data? For critical data, continuous backups are advisable.
  • How long does it take you to back up your data? If it’s a protracted process, you leave your business more vulnerable to data loss.
  • When you back up your data, are you including all of your devices?
  • Do you have high-quality backups? Check the rate of failure for your backup method. You should have ways of finding out when a backup didn’t complete successfully. You don’t want to discover during an IT emergency that a backup you were counting on doesn’t exist.
  • How easily can you perform data restoration? Even if you have the data backed up, your business may experience damaging amounts of downtime if you can’t restore the data quickly.

Please contact us to discuss the best backup and recovery measures for your company. We’ll help you choose and set up reliable backup procedures. Furthermore, we’ll assist you with running tests to check that your backups are truly effective, making you better prepared to respond successfully to IT disasters.

Managed IT Support Can Reduce the Risk of Cyber-theft from Miami Businesses

managed it support can reduce the risk of cyber theft from miami businesses

Network security breaches have been in the news lately. Hackers have targeted such large organizations as the federal government’s Office of Personnel Management and the Bank of Bangladesh. While security breaches at large institutions make the news, cyber theft from small businesses quietly takes place in the background.

Many of Miami’s small businesses handle more money through their computers and networks than through their cash registers. Credit card credentials, ACH transactions and emailed wire transfer instructions can all be targets for thieves.

Over the past two years, cyber thieves have stolen nearly $800 million dollars from over 8000 small businesses. Regulation E, the federal rule that requires banks to reimburse consumers for unauthorized transactions, does not apply to small business accounts; individual businesses have lost over a million dollars to cyber theft and not been reimbursed.

Managed IT support for Miami businesses can help to reduce your risk of cyber theft. Instead of reacting to an incident after it occurs, your managed IT support vendor can examine and secure your network to reduce the risk of a breach.

They can conduct a survey of your network to identify systems that need to be patched, and can look for systems with default passwords that a hacker might be able to guess. Developing a patch management plan and eliminating systems with default passwords can reduce the risk of a network breach.

Cyber theft is a serious issue for Miami businesses. Companies that import or export goods are especially vulnerable as they often send wire transfers. A fraudulent wire transfer is very difficult to cancel or recall.

For more information about computer and network security, please contact us.

Strong IT Support Can Help Protect You From Ransomware

strong it support can help protect you from ransomware

it support ransomware

A recent cyber attack that made the news involved a Los Angeles hospital that hackers hit with ransomware. Ransomware is a special type of malware that blocks or limits people’s access to their own data, network or devices.

The Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center wound up paying hackers $17,000 to regain access to their data and restore functionality to their system. Although no patients died as a result of the hospital’s temporary lack of access to its electronic patient files, the attack still posed a danger to people’s well-being.

A number of major news websites have seen adverts hijacked by a malicious campaign that attempts to install “ransomware” on users computers, according to a warning from security researchers Malwarebytes.

Protecting against ransomware

Although there’s no safeguard that works 100% of the time, businesses and other organizations can still take important steps against these kinds of cyber attacks. Effective preventative measures include the following:

  • Installing up-to-date anti-malware programs and firewalls on computing devices. In general, you want to rely on preventive measures that detect and block malicious intrusions.
  • Upgrading to newer operating systems and other software. Older software generally doesn’t receive support, including critical security patches.
  • Regularly performing backups on your data. Ideally, your information will get backed up and stored on a separate system or offline, better protecting it from ransomware.
  • Training employees to check email and browse the Internet more safely. For example, they should remain cautious about downloading attachments or clicking on links embedded in emails; these are both common avenues for infecting a system with ransomware. Some websites or their ad content are also contaminated with malware.

Working with IT support professionals can better protect you against ransomware. Once the ransomware infects your system, you’ll have a much harder time recovering your data or regaining control of your network and devices; you may wind up having to pay cyber criminals tens of thousands of dollars.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss strategies for improving your system’s security and performing regular backups on your data.